This course consists of 7 modules and has been structured as follows:
Module 1 – Basic Principles of Corrosion
At the end of this module, you will have developed an understanding of the:
- Impact of corrosion globally and locally.
- Corrosion definition and a simple corrosion cell.
- How steel is protected in concrete.
- The two main deterioration processes, resulting, in the corrosion of steel in concrete.
- The impact of corrosion of steel in concrete and things to consider when evaluating the risk.
- Design factors that need to be considered for new and existing steel in concrete projects.
Module 2 – Investigation, and Inspection
At the end of this module, you will have developed an understanding of the:
- Causes of corrosion and impact of corrosion on steel in concrete structures.
- Factors that contribute to corrosion of reinforced concrete structures.
- The impact of corrosion of steel in concrete and things to consider for inspection and maintenance.
- When is an investigation required?
- Primary investigation objectives.
- Secondary investigation objectives.
- Inspection vs investigation.
- Inspection and repair considerations.
- Impact of current construction and maintenance approaches on corrosion and deterioration.
Module 3 – Corrosion Protection Options
At the end of this module, you will have developed an understanding of the:
- State of steel reinforcement in uncontaminated concrete.
- The differing repair approaches listed within BS EN 1504 Part 9 for repairing deteriorating reinforced concrete.
- Impact of chloride contamination on selecting a repair approach.
- Problems with concrete patch repairs of chloride-contaminated concrete.
- Galvanic patch repair enhancers for use in chloride-contaminated concrete.
- Repair option No 10 in BS EN 1504 part 9 - applying an electrical potential – cathodic protection.
- Introduction to Corrosion and Cathodic Protection.
- Repair option No 7 in BS EN 1504 part 9 - preserving or restoring passivity through electrochemical methods.
- Difference between cathodic protection and electrochemical chloride extraction and/or re-alkalization.
- Repair option No 7 in BS EN 1504 part 9 - preserving or restoring passivity through contaminated concrete removal and replacement.
Module 4 – Cathodic Protection
At the end of this module, you will have developed an understanding of:
- Repair option No 10 in BS EN 1504 part 9 - applying an electrical potential – cathodic protection.
- Introduction to Corrosion and Cathodic Protection.
- How to measure cathodic protection.
- Steel in concrete cathodic protection criteria as per BS EN ISO 12696 Cathodic Protection of Steel in concrete.
- Evans or polarisation diagram and how these are used to describe the cathodic protection process.
- Difference between galvanic and impressed current cathodic protection.
- The application and limitations of cathodic protection in different exposure conditions.
- Benefits of cathodic protection.
Module 5 – Cathodic Protection Case Studies ICCP
This module will identify the following:
- A case study of impressed current cathodic protection of bridges – M1 motorway located within the UK.
- A case study of impressed current cathodic protection of a marine structure – St Peter Port Guernsey UK.
Module Learning Outcomes M1 Bridges
At the end of this module, you will have developed an understanding of:
- Status of the M1 Bridges and design life extension requirement.
- Repair requirements and consideration of continued leakage, traffic flow, and future inspection requirements.
- Benefits and consideration of Impressed current cathodic protection as a life extension solution.
- The design approach for surface and deep steel protection and monitoring.
Module Learning Outcomes St Peter Port Guernsey Berth 4 & 6
At the end of this module, you will have developed an understanding of:
- Status of berths 4 & 6 and design life extension requirement.
- Investigation outcomes for RC and Steel structures.
- Corrosion and repair design approach adopted for atmospherically exposed RC structures.
- Corrosion and repair design approach adopted for tidal and immersed exposed RC structures.
- Corrosion and repair design approach adopted for immersed steel structures.
- Corrosion and repair design approach adopted for tidal / atmospherically exposed steel structures.
Module 6 – Galvanic Cathodic Protection Case Studies
This module will identify the following:
- A case study of a galvanic cathodic protection system of bridge abutments located on the A19 trunk road within the UK.
- A case study of a galvanic cathodic protection system of bridge piers located on the A442 road within the UK.
Module Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module, you will have developed an understanding of:
- Status of the Bridges and design life extension requirements.
- Repair requirements and consideration of no AC, 10-20 year design life, traffic flow, and future inspection requirements.
- Benefits and consideration of galvanic cathodic protection as a life extension solution.
- The design approach for each system includes monitoring and performance assessment requirements listed in ISO 12696.
- Findings and galvanic anode system evaluation.
- Assessment of surface applied galvanic anode system and predicted life.
- Development and evaluation of new web-based battery-powered remote monitoring.
Module 7 – Cathodic Protection Practical Measurement Demonstration
At the end of this module, you will have developed an understanding of:
- A typical galvanic anode cathodic protection setup.
- The impact of salt on the current flow and corresponding corrosion rate.
- The impact of external voltage on the current flow of a galvanic cathodic protection system.
- A typical impressed current cathodic protection system.
- How to measure electrical continuity.
- How to measure the As Found Off potential of an anode and cathode.
- How to measure the mixed On potential, of an anode and cathode circuit.
- How to measure an Instant Off potential, of an anode and cathode circuit following cathodic protection.
- How to measure current flowing when the anode is connected to the cathode in a cathodic protection circuit.
- How to plot the findings on an Evans diagram.
- How an Evans diagram can be used to assist with understanding galvanic and impressed current cathodic protection.