CPD Certified Course!

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This course has been certified by The CPD Certification Service, UK, certificate number 52828, for SegCorr Ltd. On successful completion of this course, users receive a CPD certificate for 30 hours of continued professional development.
Certified by The CPD Certification Service, UK

Why Choose Cathodic Protection?

Cathodic protection as a technology, offers significant environmental, economic and sustainability benefits which can help to develop and maintain our infrastructure in a sustainable, energy-efficient, and low environmental impact way.

  • Environmental Excellence: Embrace a technology that minimizes ecological footprints and champions energy efficiency.

  • Economic Efficiency: Optimize the use of finite resources like iron ore, coal, and limestone, cutting down your costs and conserving the planet.

  • Sustainable Structures: Extend the life of steel in concrete, preventing unnecessary demolitions and fostering long-lasting infrastructure.

  • Cathodic protection can help us reduce and maximise the use of our non-renewable resources, like iron ore, coal and limestone (needed for steel and concrete), as well as help to reduce and limit our CO2 emissions as we continue to develop and grow our society.

  • Cathodic protection has a long history of providing life-extension solutions to deteriorating steel in concrete structures, preventing the need for demolition, repair and re-build of critical infrastructure.

  • Selecting and using cathodic protection in rehabilitation and at newbuild construction provides us with the opportunity to develop and grow our built environment, sustainably and responsibly, ensuring a lasting legacy for our descendants in a changing world.

Unlock the Secrets of Sustainable Infrastructure

With the "Fundamentals of Design for Cathodic Protection of Steel in Concrete" Course

Who Would Benefit From This Course?

Are you ready to be at the forefront of eco-friendly construction and infrastructure maintenance? Dive into the revolutionary world of Cathodic Protection — a game-changing technology paving the way for a greener, more sustainable future!

  • Industry Professionals: Structure owners, operators, consultants, and engineers — elevate your projects with cutting-edge design.

  • Trade Experts: Concrete repair companies, construction contractors, and material suppliers — stand out with sustainable solutions.

  • Academics and Students: Immerse yourself in a field ripe with opportunities for innovation and growth.

  • Eco-Advocates: Align your career with your passion for sustainable development and climate change action.

Enhance Your Expertise

Become a valued player in the movement towards responsible construction and maintenance.

Gain the skills to design and implement cathodic protection systems, ensuring the integrity and longevity of concrete structures.
Concrete bridge abutment

About the Course

This course is a fully interactive online course, consisting of an introduction module followed by ten individual training modules, which include downloadable learning content and outcomes, a video presentation, downloadable slide handouts and a quiz.

  • Progress at your own speed and pace.

  • Measure and share progress.

  • Revisit previous modules and quizzes.

  • Download learning content, slide handouts, practical result sheets and reports.

  • Ask questions, discuss topics and provide feedback.

  • 4 hours and 32 minutes of video presentations with subtitles.

  • 134 multiple-choice quiz questions.

  • Downloadable report on corrosion and bonus report on the assessment and monitoring of galvanic anodes.

  • Certificate of completion.

  • Members have access for 1 year from the date of registration.

Course Structure and Content

This course is a fully interactive online course, which consists of 11 modules and has been structured as follows:

  • 1

    Module I - Welcome and Course Overview

    • Welcome and Course Overview - Video

    • Purchasing Cathodic Protection Standards - Video

  • 2

    Module D1 - Pre-Design Investigation

    • Module D1 - Pre-Design Investigation - Overview

    • Module D1 - Pre-Design Investigation - Video

    • Module D1 - Pre-Design Investigation - Slides

    • Module D1 - Pre-Design Investigation - Quiz

  • 3

    Module D2 - Introduction to Design Requirements

    • Module D2 - Introduction to Design Requirements - Overview

    • Module D2 - Introduction to Design Requirements - Video

    • Module D2 - Introduction to Design Requirements - Slides

    • Module D2 - Introduction to Design Requirements - Quiz

  • 4

    Module D3 – Introduction to Cathodic Protection

    • Module D3 - Introduction to Cathodic Protection - Overview

    • Module D3 - Introduction to Cathodic Protection - Video

    • Module D3 - Introduction to Cathodic Protection - Slides

    • Module D3 - Introduction to Cathodic Protection - Quiz

  • 5

    Module D4 - Methods of Providing Cathodic Protection Energy

    • Module D4 - Methods of Providing Cathodic Protection Energy - Overview

    • Module D4 - Methods of Providing Cathodic Protection Energy - Video

    • Module D4 - Methods of Providing Cathodic Protection Energy - Slides

    • Module D4 - Methods of Providing Cathodic Protection Energy - Quiz

  • 6

    Module DD - Cathodic Protection Practical Measurement Demonstration

    • Cathodic Protection Practical Measurement Demonstration - Overview

    • Cathodic Protection Practical Measurement Demonstration - Lab Sheets

    • Cathodic Protection Practical Measurement Demonstration - Part 1 Galvanic - Video

    • Cathodic Protection Practical Measurement Demonstration - Part 2 ICCP - Video

    • Cathodic Protection Practical Measurement Demonstration - Lab Results

  • 7

    Module D5 - Requirements for Cathodic Protection

    • Module D5 - Requirements for Cathodic Protection - Overview

    • Module D5 - Requirements for Cathodic Protection - Video

    • Module D5 - Requirements for Cathodic Protection - Slides

    • Module D5 - Requirements for Cathodic Protection - Quiz

  • 8

    Module D6 – Structural Exposure Condition

    • Module D6 -Structural Exposure Condition - Overview

    • Module D6 - Structural Exposure Condition - Video

    • Module D6 - Structural Exposure Condition - Slides

    • Module D6 - Structural Exposure Condition - Quiz

  • 9

    Module D7 - Corrosion Deterioration and Energy Requirements

    • Module D7 - Corrosion Deterioration and Energy Requirements - Overview

    • Module D7 - Corrosion Deterioration and Energy Requirements - Video

    • Module D7 - Corrosion Deterioration and Energy Requirements - Slides

    • Module D7 - Corrosion Deterioration and Energy Requirements - Quiz

  • 10

    Module D8 - Corrosion Protection Requirements

    • Module D8 - Corrosion Protection Requirements - Overview

    • Module D8 - Corrosion Protection Requirements - Video

    • Module D8 - Corrosion Protection Requirements - Slides

    • Module D8 - Corrosion Protection Requirements - Quiz

  • 11

    Module D9 - Cathode Design Current Density

    • Module D9 - Cathode Design Current Density- Overview

    • Module D9 - Cathode Design Current Density - Video

    • Module D9 - Cathode Design Current Density - Slides

    • Module 9 - Cathode Design Current Density - Quiz

  • 12

    Course Notes

    • Introduction to Corrosion and Corrosion Control

    • Assessment, Monitoring and Investigation of Existing Galvanic Anode Corrosion Mitigation Systems for Atmospherically Exposed Reinforced Concrete

Leave a Lasting Legacy

Join us in shaping a world where development meets sustainability

Equip yourself with knowledge that not only advances your career but also contributes to a lasting legacy for generations to come.

Module Learning Outcomes

You will learn and have an understanding of the following on completion of the course.

It is a course requirement that you complete each module and associated quiz before progressing to the next module.

Module D1 - Pre-Design Investigation

 At the end of this module, you will have developed an understanding of the following:

  • Standards for selecting cathodic protection of steel in concrete repair - BS EN 1504.
  • BS EN 1504 key stages of selecting the concrete repair for deteriorated reinforced concrete structures.
  • BS EN ISO 12696 structure assessment and repair requirements for cathodic protection.
  • When is an investigation needed?
  • Stage 1 - investigation objectives and repair feasibility assessment.
  • Stage 2 - investigation objectives - structural capacity in the deteriorated state. 
  • Stage 3 - investigation objectives - cause of deterioration.
  • BS EN 1504 - Basis for the choice of products and systems.
  • The decision to use BS EN 1504 repair principal 10 – cathodic protection.  
  • Investigation requirements when cathodic protection has been selected as the repair principle.
  • BS EN ISO 12696 requirements of concrete repairs for cathodic protection.
  • Cathodic protection design responsibility and risk.


At the end of this module, there is a quiz consisting of 15 questions that are aimed at reinforcing the learning and knowledge you have gained from attending this module. 



Module D2 - Introduction to Design Requirements.

 At the end of this module, you will have developed an understanding of the following:

  • BS EN ISO 12696 design requirements for cathodic protection – Section 1 - Scope.
  • BS EN ISO 12696 design requirements for cathodic protection – Section 4 - Quality Management.
  • BS EN ISO 12696 design requirements for cathodic protection – Section 4 - Personnel.
  • Design competence – course disclaimer and student responsibility. 
  • BS EN ISO 12696 design requirements for cathodic protection – Section 4 - Design. 
  • BS EN ISO 12696 design requirements for cathodic protection – Section 6 - Cathodic Protection System Components.
  • BS EN ISO 12696 design requirements for cathodic protection – Section 7 - Installation Procedures.
  • BS EN ISO 12696 design informative guidance – Section - B.2 Concept Cathodic Protection Design Process.
  • BS EN ISO 12696 design informative guidance – Section - B.3 Detailed Cathodic Protection Design Process.


At the end of this module, there is a quiz consisting of 13 questions that are aimed at reinforcing the learning and knowledge you have gained from attending this module.



Module D3 - Introduction to Cathodic Protection.

 At the end of this module, you will have developed an understanding of the following :

  • Objectives, results and benefits of cathodic protection of steel in concrete.
  • Standards listing cathodic protection.
  • Definition of corrosion and cathodic protection using simple corrosion cells.
  • Definition of cathodic protection of steel in concrete using electrons and the cathodic reaction.
  • How to measure cathodic protection.
  • Energy and current flow from cathodic protection.
  • Reference electrodes and potential measurements for cathodic protection assessment.
  • Effects of current flow from cathodic protection on the potential (voltage).
  • BS EN ISO 12696 performance criteria required for evaluating cathodic protection.
  • Interpreting the effects of cathodic protection using Evans diagrams.


At the end of this module, there is a quiz consisting of 24 questions that are aimed at reinforcing the learning and knowledge you have gained from attending this module.



Module D4 - Methods of Providing Cathodic Protection Energy. 

 At the end of this module, you will have developed an understanding of the:

  • Description & terminology - cathodic protection of steel in concrete.
  • Effects of cathodic protection energy flow using electrons.
  • BS EN ISO 12696 Cathodic Protection of Steel in Concrete – galvanic and impressed current.
  • Methods of providing cathodic protection energy.
  • Providing energy with galvanic anodes.
  • Electrochemical series, galvanic anode cathodic protection.   
  • Galvanic zinc/iron Evans diagram.
  • Providing energy with impressed current cathodic protection. 
  • Electrochemical series impressed current cathodic protection anode material.   
  • Galvanic iron/titanium Evans diagram.
  • Impressed current cathodic protection iron/titanium Evans diagram.
  • Power source and power supplies for impressed current cathodic protection.


At the end of this module, there is a quiz consisting of 8 questions that are aimed at reinforcing the learning and knowledge you have gained from attending this module.



Module DD - Cathodic Protection Practical Measurement Demonstration 

 At the end of this module, you will have developed an understanding of:

  • A typical galvanic anode cathodic protection setup.
  • The impact of salt on the current flow and corresponding corrosion rate. 
  • The impact of an external voltage on the current flow of a galvanic cathodic protection system.
  • A typical impressed current cathodic protection system. 
  • How to measure electrical continuity.
  • How to measure the As Found Off potential of an anode and cathode.
  • How to measure the mixed On potential, of an anode and cathode circuit.
  • How to measure an Instant Off potential, of an anode and cathode circuit following cathodic protection. 
  • How to measure current flowing when the anode is connected to the cathode in a cathodic protection circuit.
  • How to plot the findings on an Evans diagram.
  • How an Evans diagram can be used to assist with understanding galvanic and impressed current cathodic protection.


There are downloadable measurement and result sheets to support this demonstration and your learning about cathodic protection measurements for galvanic and impressed current cathodic protection systems.

Module D5 - Requirements for Cathodic Protection. 

 At the end of this module, you will have developed an understanding of :

  • Cathodic protection requirements.
  • Electrolyte requirements for atmospherically exposed structures.
  • Electrolyte requirements for buried or immersed exposed structures.
  • Reinforcement electrical continuity factors – stray current corrosion.
  • Electrical continuity requirements for cathodic protection.
  • Anode to cathode isolation factors.
  • Anode to cathode short circuit effects of impressed current and galvanic anode cathodic protection.
  • Requirements for ancillary metal work in structures receiving cathodic protection.
  • Cathodic protection energy requirements and factors to consider.


At the end of this module, there is a quiz consisting of 17 questions that are aimed at reinforcing the learning and knowledge you have gained from attending this module.



Module D6 - Structural Exposure Condition.

 At the end of this module, you will have developed an understanding of :

  • Structural exposure conditions for cathodic protection of steel in concrete. 
  • The effect of structural exposure on anode selection for cathodic protection of steel in concrete.
  • The effectiveness of cathodic protection on metallic and steel in concrete structures.
  • Limitation of cathodic protection for buried and immersed reinforced concrete structures. 
  • Galvanic cathodic protection of buried and immersed steel in concrete.
  • Impressed current cathodic protection of buried and immersed steel in concrete.
  • Standards for buried or immersed CP anodes for cathodic protection of steel in concrete. 
  • Limitation of cathodic protection for atmospherically exposed reinforced concrete structures. 
  • Galvanic cathodic protection of atmospherically exposed steel in concrete.
  • Impressed current cathodic protection of atmospherically exposed steel in concrete.
  • Standards for atmospheric exposed CP anodes for cathodic protection of steel in concrete. 
  • Summary of cathodic protection based on structural exposure conditions.


At the end of this module, there is a quiz consisting of 15 questions that are aimed at reinforcing the learning and knowledge you have gained from attending this module.



Module D7 - Corrosion Deterioration and Energy Requirements. 

 At the end of this module, you will have developed an understanding of:

  • Identifying the state of the steel in uncontaminated concrete.
  • Identifying the causes and issues of corrosion and concrete deterioration.
  • Carbonation-induced corrosion. 
  • Chloride-induced corrosion.
  • Effects of corrosion in concrete with access to oxygen.
  • Effects of corrosion in concrete with limited access to oxygen.
  • Impact of corrosion on cathodic protection design.
  • Introduction to cathodic protection design current densities based on the state of the steel.
  • Identifying design current densities for cathodic prevention.
  • Identifying design current densities for cathodic protection.
  • Design current density - summary.


At the end of this module, there is a quiz consisting of 7 questions that are aimed at reinforcing the learning and knowledge you have gained from attending this module.



Module D8 - Corrosion Protection Requirements.

 At the end of this module, you will have developed an understanding of:

  • Factors to consider when selecting a corrosion protection system.
  • Requirement and limitations of the BS EN ISO 12696 cathodic protection of steel in concrete standard.
  • The difference between corrosion mitigation and corrosion control systems.
  • Design life requirements and limitations of corrosion mitigation and corrosion control systems.
  • Traditional concrete patch repair and design life limitation of 2 - 5 years.
  • Problems associated with concrete patch repairs (spalling and incipient anodes).
  • Types of galvanic corrosion mitigation systems.
  • Corrosion Mitigation - short-term up to 10 years.
  • Galvanic patch repair enhancers and effects on concrete repairs.
  • Types of galvanic patch repair enhancers.
  • Corrosion mitigation - medium-term 10-15 years.
  • Corrosion mitigation using blanket galvanic anode systems.
  • Corrosion control - medium-term 15-20 years.
  • Corrosion control using blanket galvanic anode or impressed current cathodic protection systems.
  • Corrosion control - long-term >20 years using impressed current cathodic protection systems.


At the end of this module, there is a quiz consisting of 15 questions that are aimed at reinforcing the learning and knowledge you have gained from attending this module.



Module D9 - Cathode Design Current Density.

 At the end of this module, you will have developed an understanding of:

  • Description and terminology.
  • BS EN ISO 12696 design current densities for cathodic prevention or cathodic protection.
  • Influence of chloride concentration on the selected cathode design current density.
  • Influence of reference electrode placement on cathode design current density. 
  • Impact of cathodic protection current flow on the cathode design current density.
  • Cathodic protection effects on carbonated concrete.
  • Cathodic protection effects on chloride-contaminated concrete.
  • Effects of impressed current cathodic protection on the cathode design current density.
  • Effects of galvanic anode cathodic protection on the cathode design current density.
  • Introduction to contamination and concrete repair scenarios.
  • Exposure and repair scenarios 1 - 4 and indictive cathode design current densities.
  • Selecting a cathode design current density for exposure and repair scenario 4.
  • Selecting impressed current cathodic protection for exposure and repair scenario 4. 
  • Selecting a cathode design current density for exposure and repair scenario 2.
  • Selecting galvanic anode cathodic protection for exposure and repair scenario 2.
  • Identifying the impact of selecting the wrong cathode current density.


At the end of this module, there is a quiz consisting of 20 questions that are aimed at reinforcing the learning and knowledge you have gained from attending this module.


Course Notes 

 Additional downloadable material has been provided within this section to support you and your development as follows:

  • A 24-page report - Introduction to Corrosion and Corrosion Control.
  • A 14-page report - Assessment, Monitoring, and Investigation of Existing Galvanic Anode Corrosion Mitigation Systems for Atmospherically Exposed Reinforced Concrete.


Corrosion and Cathodic Protection Specialist

John Paul Segers

With 27 years of experience in the corrosion management industry, my personal goal is to educate and share knowledge of corrosion management technology within the industry and help promote the understanding and adoption of this technology. MSc, CEng, FICorr, FIMMM, BS EN ISO 15257 Level 4 Cathodic Protection Specialist, NACE Corrosion and Cathodic Protection Specialist

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Develop, Grow and Support your Future.

Learn the Fundamentals of Design for Cathodic Protection of Steel in Concrete.

At the end of this course, I am confident that you will have gathered new skills and understanding which will help you to select and develop sustainable solutions, which can be used for the life extension of critical reinforced concrete structures and improve current construction processes to support a sustainable future for our world.